We lost 5-1 in our away game against this team when we went down to 10 players to match their 10 despite us having 12 players on the day.  

This time we had 17 players available as only Charlie Hayward not playing and they allowed us to use all 6 subs.

Team was Charlie Townsend in goal, Dayo Akinjobi left back, Spencer Rigg-Hersom and Noah Sturrock centre backs with Lucas Taylor right back. Ben Thompson defensive midfield, Jack Newton left wing, Thomas Crane and Kai Enser centre mid and Zac Murray right wing with Freddie Nash up front. Starting subs Charlie Proctor, Jack Clews, Idris Hussain, Christopher Farkas, Lucas Pieltain and Sebi Lievano.

Kick off 10.57am.  11.00 conceded a penalty 0-1.  Jack N won ball in middle.  Spencer won ball in defence and played it forward.  Thomas won ball and played it towards Jack N.  Their free kick which Charlie T saved.  Charlie T save.  Thomas back heel to Jack N.  Kai throw into box.  Free kick to us for foul on Ben which Noah took and it went just wide.  Thomas to Jack N on wing.  Charlie T kick up to Jack N.  Thomas battling.  Thomas sidestep and pass.  Ben header from their throw.  Spencer header to Kai who went on run.  Kai throw at half way to Jack N.  Kai throw to Ben who flicked it on.  Freddie scored 1-1 11.12am.  Freddie laid ball off beautifully.  11.14 Zac off, Chris on.  Dayo won ball.  11.23 Thomas to Dayo who went on run and shot blocked and cleared for throw.  Spencer to Kai.  Ben run in to make tackle.

Kai fouled.  Jack C on for Jack N.  Ben cross.  11.24 Sebi on left wing and Kai off.  Noah header in defence.  Ben to Thomas.  Lucas T stopped the ball dead.  Lucas T cleared forward. Sebi pass to Freddie in box.  Sebi throw on left in their half.  Lucas T to Ben to Freddie.  Ben to Chris to Thomas.  Dayo won their goal kick.  11.28 Freddie 2-1.  Spencer cleared forward.  Spencer turn in defence and great ball forward to Sebi.  Jack C good challenge.  Spencer to Ben who played ball forward with overhead kick.  Sebi battling to Thomas.  Jack C won ball.  Chris well played and pass to Ben to Thomas.  Dayo well played. Freddie nearly scored, our corner which Jack C took, Sebi header on goal.  Half time 11.33.

2nd half 11.39.  Charlie T in goal, Dayo left back, Spencer and Noah centre backs, Lucas T right back.  Ben defensive midfield, Jack N left wing, Thomas and Kai centre mid and Jack C right wing with Freddie up front.    Subs: Chris, Lucas P, Sebi, Charlie P, Idris, Zac.

Spencer to Jack C on wing.  Kai to Jack C.  Kai won ball and went on run.  Jack C tackles.  Spencer played ball into space for Freddie.  Noah goal kick.  Kai tried to play ball through their defence.  Ben fouled, Noah took free kick.  Ben ball towards Freddie.  Dayo clearance.  Noah went on run from defence but then his ball forward was too strong.  Spencer shielded ball back to Charlie T.  Noah cleared.  Thomas header.  Charlie good save.  Their corners from right.  Noah goal kick.  Ben header.  Ben cleared.  Ben great run length of pitch past defenders but shot went behind.  11.58  Freddie off, Charlie P on up front.  Their corner, Charlie T save.  

Conceded 2-2 11.54 in melee.  Lucas T pass to Ben.  11.56 conceded again 2-3.  Kai off, Idris on.  Jack N off, Lucas P on. Dayo and Lucas P one-twos.  Ben high ball forward. Idris to Noah.  Ben header.  Jack C throw.  Dayo won ball and turn and played to Lucas P.  12.00 Jack C off, Sebi on.  Noah blocked shot which deflected wide. Thomas to Sebi to Ben.  Lucas T good ball forward.  Charlie T claimed.  Spencer cleared.  Thomas and Idris good tackles.  Sebi run.  Dayo fouled, Noah free kick to Lucas P.  

Charlie T out of box to play ball to Lucas T.  Charlie T save.  Sebi great shot which goalie patted down.  Sebi ball up in air, Thomas won it.  Charlie P off, Freddie on.  Thomas header from their throw.  Thomas won ball.  Idris to Dayo.  Spencer ball forward.  Thomas got kicked in face, our free kick.  Kai on, Lucas P off.  Chris on, Dayo off.  Maidenhead team great battling in box.  Idris off, Jack C on.  Spencer great ball through to Freddie who shot.  Jack C corner from right.  Kai ball forward.  Ben and Sebi headers.  Thomas ball through on floor into box.  Jack throw to Ben.  Maidenhead battling, our corner from left.  Their goal kick which Ben won and had shot with first touch.  Lucas T to Sebi.

Kaine awarded Thomas Crane Man of the Match.